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Pi Alpha Alpha 

Pi Alpha Alpha is the Global Honor Society for Public Affairs and Administration. There are more than 160 chapters located around the world at NASPAA member schools.

The purpose of Pi Alpha Alpha (PAA) is to encourage and recognize outstanding scholarship and accomplishment in public affairs and administration. Its objectives, such as fostering integrity, professionalism, and effective performance, promote the advancement of quality in the education and practice of the art and science of public affairs and administration. PAA membership identifies those with the highest performance levels in educational programs preparing them for public service careers. Visit the Global Honor Society.



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Undergraduate students: Junior standing, 15 hours of public administration coursework completed, 3.5 public administration GPA, 3.0 overall GPA.

Graduate students: 18 units completed toward MPA degree, 3.7 GPA.

All students: One time membership fee of $75. This is for lifetime membership and includes national dues, honor cords, and your choice of a pin or charm.

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Benefits of Membership

  • Recognition of outstanding scholarship and accomplishment in public administration
  • Recognized by leaders in the public sector as a highly regarded academic achievement
  • Improves appeal to employers, especially through participation in activities
  • Indicates a choice to serve others through ongoing public service activities
  • Provides access to an elite network of thousands of members
  • Special Induction Ceremony at our Annual Banquet.
  • Opportunities to serve as a Pi Alpha Alpha Officer
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Pi Alpha Alpha FAQ

When can I submit my application for Pi Alpha Alpha (PAA)?

We accept applications for new members each Fall and Spring semester. We do not take applications over the Summer.

I already submitted my application; when will I hear about whether I am accepted?

The applications are processed all together immediately after each semester's due date. Please do not expect to hear about your application status until at least one week after the deadline. At that time you will receive an email from the chapter about your status.

 If you count the classes I'm currently taking, then I have the required number of units. Can I join now?

We are sorry, but no. Students qualify based on completed units, not units in progress.

My GPA is just below the qualification GPA. Can I still join?

We are sorry, but no. We are required to follow the standards set by the Global Honor Society and so can only accept students whose GPAs currently meet the qualifications.

I missed the deadline for this semester; can you still take my application?

We are sorry, but no. The necessary paperwork must be completed quickly and submitted to the national office, so late applications cannot be included. We would be very glad to take your application next semester.

When will I get my cords and charm or pin?

Each year the new members of the chapter receive their cords and medallion at our annual banquet held at the end of the spring semester. If you do not attend the banquet then the chapter advisor will email instructions about how you may pick up your items after the banquet.

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