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Pi Sigma Alpha

Political Science Honor Society

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The National Political Honor Society, founded in 1920 with over 700 chapters to date. The mission of Pi Sigma Alpha is "To stimulate scholarship and intelligent interest in political science." The Epsilon Eta Chapter at Cal State Fullerton supports this mission by sponsoring speaker events, community service projects, and activities that provide the opportunity for deeper conversation with fellow students and faculty. The Epsilon Eta Chapter at Cal State Fullerton was chosen to receive one of four Pi Sigma Alpha Best Chapter Awards for 2012-2013. These awards are intended to recognize local chapters that are particularly active in their departments and universities and exhibit high levels of energy and creativity in furthering the goals of the honor society.

Visit the  CSUF Pi Sigma Alpha Website to apply for membership and find more information.

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For undergraduate students - 3.0 cumulative GPA, 3.25 POSC GPA, and completion of 10 units in POSC, three of which must be upper division units (300 level or higher). Both political science majors and minors are welcome.

For graduate students - 3.5 GPA and completion of 9 graduate units.

For all students - One time membership fee of $75. This is for lifetime membership and includes national dues, chapter dues, honor cords, and medallion.


  • Lifetime membership
  • Honor cords and medallion to wear at graduation
  • Looks great on resumes/applications
  • Participate in social activities, community service, and special speaker events
  • Many opportunities for networking with fellow students, faculty, and alumni
  • Possibilities for leadership experience by serving as an officer.

Frequently Asked Questions


When can I submit my application for Pi Sigma Alpha (PSA)?

We accept applications for new members each fall and spring semester. Please check this page for the application at the beginning of the semester and submit it by the listed due date. We do not take applications over the summer.

I already submitted my application; when will I hear about whether I am accepted?

The applications are processed all together immediately after each semester's due date. Please do not expect to hear about your application status until one week after the deadline. At that time you will receive an email from the chapter advisor about your status.

My GPA is just below the qualification GPA. Can I still join?

We're sorry, but no. We are required to follow the standards set by the National Honor Society and so can only accept students whose GPAs currently meet the qualifications. There is not room for discretion here.

I missed the deadline for this semester; can you still take my application?

We're sorry, but no. The necessary paperwork must be completed very quickly and submitted to the national office, so late applications cannot be included. We would be very glad to take your application next semester.

I'll have the qualifying GPA for Pi Sigma Alpha at the end of the semester I graduate. Can I still join?

Yes, you may still join PSA as a graduate of CSUF as long as you have the qualifying GPA. Please simply submit your application accordingly.

When do I get my cords and medallion?

Each year the new members of the chapter receive their cords and medallion at our annual banquet held at the end of the spring semester. If you do not attend the banquet then the chapter advisor will email office hours when you may pick up your items after the banquet.

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